Studio Rental at First City Art Center

First City Art Center offers affordable studio spaces for visual artists working in a variety of mediums on our campus, located at 1060 N. Guillemard St. in the Gallery 1060 building.

Private and shared working spaces for up to 3 artists per studio are available at low-cost rent to artists who need working space and are interested in being part of a collaborative, creative environment. Our studio rentals offer a chance to tap into the many resources available at FCAC, including a wide range of classes and volunteering opportunities. Gallery 1060 artists may work in a variety of materials, including: glass, ceramics, metal, painting, drawing, photography, graphic design, illustration, mixed media, textiles, jewelry, fashion, sculpture, installation art and more!

Lease agreements are for a 12 month period beginning in February with a deadline to apply in mid-late January. Studio rentals are granted as a one year commitment only and do not automatically renew. Each year, artists must reapply with recent work and no one is guaranteed to continue renting a space year after year, because we want to provide equal opportunity to all, based on the level of community interest.

No studio spaces available at this time- all studios have been rented for the lease term February 2025 – January 2026

Please check in around December to inquire about available spaces for the following year

  • Kiln Firing

    NEW! FCAC Kiln Firing: This package is for Oxidation/Electric Bisque (cone 04) OR Glaze (cone 6) … We are a mid/high fire studio only, NO LOW FIRE CLAY ALLOWED … Firing Pricing: Half-Round shelf, 13″ x 26″ x 5″: $35/bisque firing or $30/glaze firing Full Rectangle shelf, 13.5 x 26″ x 5″: $40/bisque firing or…

  • clay vessels created at First City Art Center

    Ceramic Studio Rentals

    Ceramic Studio Rental rates and availability: Rental times are currently on Mondays between 9:00am – 3:00pm    STUDIO RENTALS ARE DESIGNED FOR EXPERIENCED MAKERS ONLY: You must have taken at least one ceramics class at FCAC or have equivalent experience. All non-student makers renting time in the Ceramics Studio must pre-register and pre-pay. Those that…

  • Glassblowing in glory hole at First City Art Center Glass Hot Shop

    Glass Hot Shop Open Studio Rentals

    Glass Hot Shop Open Studio Information Prerequisites: All First-time renters at FCAC must complete a safety and equipment orientation with Glass Studio Manager prior to renting the studio. All Hot Shop Open Studio Renters must adhere to the following safety policies: Eye protection, closed-toed shoes, and natural-fiber clothing (cotton, linen) must be worn. No synthetic…

  • Hand-building Pottery

    Ceramics Open Studio – Current Students/Assistants

    Ceramics Open Studio Students enrolled in one of our six-week pottery classes are able to participate in Open Studio for no additional cost for the duration of the class. This benefit extends to the seventh week right after the session, which allows students to finish work made in class. Current ceramic instructions and studio assistants…

Pay Your Studio Rent Online!

Chose the studio from the drop-down list below.

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  • Studio AStudio A - Single RenterStudio BStudio B -Single RenterStudio CStudio DStudio D - Single RenterStudio EStudio FStudio G
  • Studio AStudio BStudio CStudio DStudio EStudio FStudio G
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