Your generous support enables us to create a community arts program that includes:
- The only public access glassblowing facility in Northwest Florida
- Need-based Youth Art Scholarships
- Arts outreach and field trips for area schools and local organizations
- A mobile glassblowing studio that visits Title One Schools and local festivals
- Affordable studio facilities for emerging and seasoned artists
- Partnerships that stimulate and strengthen the economy
- A wide variety of visual arts educational programming for all ages
- Neighborhood revitalization efforts in the Long Hollow and North Hill Neighborhoods
- Opportunities for creative, curious, and talented people to immerse themselves in the visual arts
Sunday’s Child Inclusion Stage at First City Art Center – 2×6 Campaign
. . . soon we will have a permanent facility for performance art, yoga, out-door children’s activities, bands for events, and more . . .
We are grateful to Sunday’s Child for their grant that will enable us to get started on this journey of enhancing our campus and providing a platform for so many activities.
Please consider giving to the 2 X 6 Campaign to raise funds to ensure a state-of-the-art facility. Your $260 gift will help us achieve this great addition to the FCAC campus. In recognition, your name will be on a 2×6 and placed on a totem adjacent to the stage. Please join the community that continues to make FCAC the incredible place we all enjoy.
Your tax-deductible donation truly makes a difference, and provides FCAC with the needed resources to continue our mission.